Shahidur Rashid Talukdar

Science Policy and Research Ethics
Briefly describe the research project you are planning to contribute to and lead as a postdoctoral associate at Virginia Tech. What is the problem you are addressing? What is the expected impact of your work?
My research will explore the possibility of employing regional governance to improve public health. During my fellowship I will contribute to an interdisciplinary project aimed at addressing "the grand challenges of pandemic prediction and prevention." My research will help us understand the challenges related to preventing future pandemics and explore different approaches and strategies to overcome those.
Why did you choose to pursue postdoctoral training at Virginia Tech?
My interdisciplinary background, with training in physical and social sciences, combined with the scope of science policy research drew me to pursue my postdoctoral fellowship at Virginia Tech, where a wide diversity of disciplines exist across the campus and beyond. I hope to employ my qualitative and quantitative skills to inform and enrich science policy research.
What are you most looking forward to as you begin in this fellowship at Virginia Tech?
I look forward to gaining an in-depth understanding of science policy research with a focus on public health and hope to generate a substantial body of research and publications that will allow me to pursue my career as a public policy scholar.