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The Quantum Frontier

Advancing the Quantum Leap >>>

Using an unparalleled transdisciplinary focus to accelerate the integration of quantum technologies across society, realizing unprecedented computing and communication capabilities and restructuring our social framework.

Fueling quantum-aware cybersecurity strategies

The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative is marshaling the expertise of Southwest Virginia researchers and partners around the state to develop strategies to harness the power of quantum-based techniques to secure information and develop systems that withstand attack from a quantum-equipped adversary.

Jason Legrow (at left), assistant professor in mathematics, works out a mathematical formula with Wendi Gao, a graduate student researcher. LeGrow and Gao will be working with researchers from George Mason University to make cryptographic algorithms invulnerable to quantum attacks. Photo by Kelly Izlar for Virginia Tech.

A National Priority

The National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law on December 21, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to ensure the continued leadership of the United States in quantum information science and its technology applications. The initiative encompasses the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Energy, and National Science Foundation, and will entail the creation of between four and 10 competitively awarded QIS research centers. Dedicated funding includes $1.275 billion over five years with a possible five-year extension.

placer image.

Quantum researchers collide

For engineers and scientists, quantum science has the bewitching possibility to leapfrog years of research. The Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering was launched to bring scientists and engineers together to do just that.

Photo showcasing a discussion between a student and researcher at the Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering symposium poster session, which took place at the Blacksburg Wine Lab in Feb. 2023.

Can we really be, “Everything Everywhere All at Once”?

Professor of Physics Djordje Minic discusses the possibility of a multiverse similar to that depicted in the 2023 Academy Award-winning film.

Quantum Research Areas

  • Computational Algorithms
  • Chemical Simulations
  • Processing Hardware
  • Memory/Storage
  • Optimization
  • Secure Data Transmission
  • Deep Space Communications
  • Neural Networks
  • Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
  • Cryptography
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Precision Measurements
  • Field Detection

Quantum Research Experts

Spanning the breadth of quantum information sciences and technology, Virginia Tech faculty, students, and partners work together at the intersection of quantum disciplines.

Sophia Economou portrait.

Sophia Economou

Edwin Barnes portrait.

Edwin Barnes

Gretchen L Matthews portrait.

Gretchen Matthews

Luke Lester portrait.

Luke Lester

Quantum Research Sponsors

Quantum Research Teams

Talented faculty and students are developing cutting edge research that is leading to Virginia Tech’s rise as a global destination for quantum knowledge and discovery. Virginia Tech’s quantum footprint is growing — first with the Blacksburg campus’ capabilities and now, with emerging Northern Virginia strengths.

Quantum News

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Dedicated Facilities

Molecular Sciences Software Institute

The Molecular Sciences Software Institute led by Virginia Tech is supported by the National Science Foundation and focused on molecular simulation software development.