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Contacts for Export and Secure Research Compliance

John Talerico Portrait.

John Talerico

Export and Secure Research Compliance

T. J. Beckett portrait.

T. J. Beckett

Compliance Officer, Information Security


Tom Czamanske portrait.

Tom Czamanske

Administrator, Export and Secure Research

Tiara Davis portrait.

Tiara Davis

Assistant Facilty Security Officer

Amanda Gland portrait.

Amanda Gland

Program Administrative Specialist


Graphic with text "Photo not available".

Nicole Johnson

Administrative Office Support Specialist

Zebedee Johnson portrait.

Zebedee Johnson

Facility Security Officer

Mike Kendrick portrait.

Mike Kendrick

Manager, Export and Secure Research Program

Tim Leake portrait.

Tim Leake

Contractor Special Security Officer

Mike McGrath portrait.

Mike McGrath

Research Security Systems Administrator


Chris Phelps portrait.

Christopher Phelps

Engineer, Network Security

Justin Spangler portrait.

Justin Spangler

Technical Specialist, Research Security

Stephen Yarley portrait.

Stephen Yarley

Jr. Systems Administrator

  • - contact for general inquires related to OESRC such as international travel, international visitors, international shipping, training, export and sanctions determinations in sponsored research, international collaborations, and controlled technology access.
  • - contact for suspicious contact reports, research security, technology control plans, industrial security, and other research security-related matters.
  •  or 540-232-8638 - contact for information technology security-related issues, system security plans, email routing, and COMPASS server support. 

Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance (MC0564)
1311 Research Center Drive
Suite 2040
Blacksburg, VA 24061

540-232-8573 (Phone)
540-231-7297 (Fax)