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Research and Innovation Home Page

Bridging the software-hardware divide

An open-access project funded by the National Science Foundation is expected to pave the way for more efficient, cost-effective, and high-performing computing services that could benefit billions of end users.


$592M in research expenditures.
Ranked Top 6% in Nation for Research Expenditures

Research Development

Virginia Tech is committed to helping researchers achieve their goals. With the support of resources across the university, faculty can define, achieve, and expand their ambitions, allowing Virginia Tech’s research to move from excellence to eminence.

Events and Programs

Research-focused events and programs across Virginia Tech's three campuses are intended to inform and support researchers' interests and enhance their portfolios.

Postdoctoral Associates

Virginia Tech is committed to supporting postdocs through fostering community, supporting professional development, and providing opportunities to advance scholarship.  

Solving challenges emerging in a rapidly changing world >>>

The university has invested in major research initiatives, bringing together diverse expertise that transcends traditional discipline boundaries. In partnership with industry, government, and foundations, these focus areas address emerging challenges and opportunities that seek to improve the human condition and create a better world for all. 

These strategically focused areas are Virginia Tech Research Frontiers.

Kaveh Akbari Hamed Lab Robots.

The Artificial Intelligence Frontier

Harnessing artificial intelligence for intelligence augmentation

Building on expertise in artificial intelligence and data science, systems engineering, neuroscience, human factors, robotics, immersive visualization, and education, among others, to accelerate human-technology partnerships toward seamless augmentation, ethically and sustainably.

A researcher in a lab working with plants.

The Health Frontier

Leading one health to achieve whole health

Changing the focus on disease and symptoms to one of whole health, integrating intersections of animal, environment, and human health and building in communities and systems to empower multifaceted well-being.

A man flying a drone in a field.

The Security Frontier

Innovating for secure and resilient communities

Ensuring communities are prepared to face global threats, from climate change to cybersecurity to national defense through advances in preparation, defense, mitigation, and recovery.

A group of researchers having discussion at a whiteboard.

The Quantum Frontier

Advancing the quantum leap

Using an unparalleled transdisciplinary focus to accelerate the integration of quantum technologies across society, realizing unprecedented computing and communication capabilities and restructuring our social framework.



Graphic showcasing researchers.

Virginia Tech’s FOCUS ON RESEARCH newsletter explores how student and faculty researchers are addressing emerging challenges that seek to improve the human condition and create a better world for all. 


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