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Pursuing a Postdoc Proactively 2024

This fall's series, held in collaboration with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School and the University of Virginia's Ph.D. Plus Program, is designed for Ph.D. students who want to better understand the pros and cons of pursuing the postdoc path, including what to look for in a postdoctoral position, and tips on networking effectively to land one. 

The 3-part series will run weekly on Thursdays, 3 - 4 p.m., beginning October 17.

In this session, we will cover the objectives of a postdoctoral position and why an individual may consider pursuing one.

As part of the session, participants will engage in self reflection around their current training and career goals and work to articulate whether postdoctoral training serves these goals. 

Oct. 17 | 3-4 p.m.


This session will be grounded in work by Virginia Tech Engineering Education Professor David Knight's PLoS One paper: U.S. postdoctoral careers in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering: Government, industry, and academia.

The workshop will begin with an overview of data on career trajectories and earnings for both life sciences and physical sciences and engineering graduates pursuing postdocs in academia, industry, and government. 

The second half of the session will provide an overview of common options for postdocs outside academia including at the National Laboratories, via government agencies, and industry. 

Oct. 24 | 3-4 p.m.


In this session, we will discuss the importance of the training aspect of the postdoctoral position and cover specific components of the environment one should consider before accepting a postdoc position.

In addition, we will discuss practical tips you can use to expand your network not only to learn of postdoctoral opportunities but to also assess the fit and relevance of potential opportunities to your needs. 

Oct. 31 | 3-4 p.m.